Mensaje de error

  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls en menu_set_active_trail() (línea 2375 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters en drupal_get_feeds() (línea 385 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6283 de /home/concellodevaldovino/.ftp-users/arquivo/includes/

O Coro da Rá en concerto

Ás oito do serán deste domingo Valdoviño acolle "No nos importa a fama", un concerto do Coro da Rá. Para aqueles que aínda non coñezan esta proposta tan recomendable, o propio grupo preséntase neste vídeo.
A actuación, programada dentro da Rede Cultural da Deputación da Coruña, celebrarase no paseo da praia da Frouxeira (ou no auditorio da Casa da Cultura se as condicións meteorolóxicas son adversas).