At the beginning of 2011 Valdoviño had a population of 6,926 inhabitants, spread over an area of 81.2 square kilometers, representing a population density of just over 85 inhabitants per square kilometer.
The coast hold the largest part of the population, especially in Valdoviño, Meirás and Lago (70% of the population). This coast is formed by winding cliffs, against the Atlantic Ocean. Among the beaches we can enhance A Frouxeira, which connects the sea with the Lake of A Frouxeira, an ecological area especially protected.
The relief has a great variety of landscapes, but always soft. Pico Agudo (376 meters) and Monte da Moura (317 meters) are the highest peaks. In this septentrional area also is the reservoir of As Forcadas, which supplies water to the region.
Valdoviño has eight parishes: Lago, Loira, Meirás, Pantín, Sequeiro, Valdoviño, Vilaboa and Vilarrube.
Valdoviño has oceanic climate, mild and humid. The rainfall is moderate and the. The average annual temperature is slightly more than 13ºC, with minimum average of 9,5º (between december and january) and maximum of 18,3º (in summer).